Soul Eater Review

Soul Eater is an anime adaptation to a Japanese manga written and illustrated by Atsushi Okubo. The Story is mainly about weapon meisters and weapons whose job is to defeat 99 Evil spirits and 1 witch to make their weapon a "Death Scythe", A weapon that can be used by the Grim Reaper himself. The manga is published by Square Enix and started airing april of 2008. Both the anime and the manga have differences even if the anime was derived from the manga. Stories and parts have been changed to fit it in 51 episode. The Plot: The Story revolves around the partners Maka Albam (weapon meister) and Soul Evans (Weapon: Scythe), The A ssassin Black Star and his partner Tsubaki Nakatsukasa ( Katana, Ninja Star, etc), and Death the kid (the son of the grim reaper) and his pistol partners Liz and Patty Thompson, Students of the Death Weapon Meister Academy. The job of every weapon meisters like Maka is to ma...