
Showing posts with the label Sacred Seven

Review on Sacred Seven

This anime was directed by Yoshimitsu Ohashi and animation produced by Sunrise. In a peaceful town in Kanto region, a boy named Alma Tandouji is living a lonely and boring life. One day, a girl named Aiba Ruri accompanied by her butler and maids approached him. Ruri knows that the power of the Sacred Seven is sleeping within him. And that's how the story goes. With this, she asked for his help but Alma refused because in the past this power caused him to hurt people. However, the town was suddenly attacked by creature mostly Dark Stoned creatures and he is the only one who can save it. He then decided to save the town but his powers berserk making Ruri come to the rescue by raising a sacred stone from her necklace to release his true form. I should honest to you guys this is not that kind joyful to watch the most of the characters possess dark aura especially the main protagonist but still it is still better to watch. Overall score is 7/10: