Mirai Nikki Review
Mirai Nikki (Future Diary) is a Japanese manga series written and illustrated by Sakae Esuno. The series started airing on October 10 2011. The story follows Yukiteru Amano a boy who doesn't seem to mingle with kids his age. Yukiteru (yuki) always write everything he sees or experience in his diary. Yuki also spends time talking to his "friend" Deus Ex Machina, the God of Time and Space; and Murmur, Deus' servant. One day, Deus gave Yuki a special diary where in everything thing written in the diary will happen. Deus chose Yuki along 11 more people to play his diary game where in they will use the unique power of their diaries to kill other diary users by killing them physically, or destroying their "Diaries" and win the game to be the new god of time. This anime has one of the weirdest story ever. I myself can never forget this anime because simply it made my braincells cry. Mirai Nikki started really smoothly and the storyline line seems a bit...