Dog Days Review
Dog days is a Japanese animated series made by Masaki Tsuzuki, the same mind who made Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha. The animation has 13 episodes that started airing on July 7 to September 29, 2012. The animation is all about the adventure of Cinque Izumi, a happy go lucky athletic boy who was summoned to a different world. Cinque woke up in Flonyard an alternate dimension where the inhabitants are like normal people only that they have animals ears and tails. Cinque was summoned by Millhiore , the dog-like Princess of the Biscotti Republic who asked cinque's help to participate in a war as a hero against the forces of the feline like creatures of Galette. Cinque was given a weapon as a sign of being the hero of Biscotti , The Palladion. When they are in a war, The two kingdoms participate in a sports-like themed battle and if the participants will be knocked out, they will turn into an animal fur ball. The first to conquer the castle or defe...