Aiura A Lovely Story (Review)

Every emotion I thought this show was going to evoke from me wasn’t evoked and that’s pretty impressive for a show of this genre, especially since it’s a 4Koma adaptation. The pacing was flawless. For being a 4 minute short, Aiura never tried to be more than what it was. Everything was subtle, calm yet energetic. Characters were simple and they’re your typical caricatures for a 4Koma anime, but they were all quite likeable. The humor was nice and while it wasn’t hilarious per say, it did put a smile on my face. Watching Aiura really did feel like a slice of life anime instead of an overly hyper comedy with obnoxious over acted girls. I guess it was like marijuana, man. It gave me that high, bubbly feeling and the visual imagery was gorgeous. You know man? Like seriously dude, Aiura has really, gorgeous artwork and the animation is so relaxing. It’s like, I’m in the air you know? Floating and free falling and clouds and bubbles… and…dude… go watch it man...