Lucky Star Review

Lucky Star is an anime adaptation to the four panel comic strip by Kagami Yoshimizu. The anime adaptation produced a total of 24 episode and was produced by kyoto animation around April 8 to September 16, 2007. The comical strip talks about the daily life of Konata Izumi and her friends. The setting of the animation is based on the city of Kasukabe in Saitama Prefecture. Izumi is a laid back Japanese high school girl who is very small for her age. Izumi is a self proclaimed otaku both in anime/manga and in games. She usually asks her friends to go with her to an anime convention to buy new mangas and tankobons ( Japaneses Volumes for manga ). Izumi is somehwat the typical type of otaku who is what we call an addict since she mostly prioritize games and mangas instead of her studies which lead her to copy assignments and ask help from her friends. Lucky Star is one of my favorite comical skit type of anime. The story it self is rea...