Review on Itsuka Tenma no Kuro Usagi

We all know that vampires in anime are interesting to watch. It may be romance, action or horror or anything that has to do with blood and magics. This anime I introduced to you an interesting mix of action, drama, romance and a clash of comedy for some light episodes.

Tho story follows Taito Kurogani, a high school student who thinks he somehow lives a normal life indeed. After an accident that caused him to leave his karate training, a sport he excelled in during his childhood, he considers himself an ordinary person. But during one fateful afternoon, a young vampire changes that for him. She grants him the ability of seven lives.

The anime features very cute female characters, and the guys don't look bad either. The fight scenes include a treat of eye catching including magic spells and flight. Let's not forget the monsters. So for those seeking another vampire anime, I recommend you guys to watch this anime.

Overall score is 7/10:


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