Crush Gear Turbo Review

Crush Gear Turbo is an animated series aired in Japan from October 7, 2001 to January 26, 2003 by Animax. Basically the plot of this series is very simple. People fighting in an arena with the use of what they call gears. The players will throw their gears inside an arena and fight by crushing the other player's gear. This anime revolves around Kouya Marino a kid who inherited the gear of his late brother who died mastering on how to use his gear. Now Marino is on the quest to get stronger and be the number 1 in terms of using his Gear. the Garuda Eagle.

Crush Gear turbo is one of those Toy based anime that i really loved when i was still a kid. Watching this anime as a kid and as a teen is actually different to my taste. Initially, the anime has a good story line and the characters are also presented well. The feeling of discontent i have about this anime, maybe is because that the main target for this anime are little boys and girls who loved playing these toys. Yes i too have played crush gear and tend to follow and copy the characters moves. That convinced me that the story is made to entice children. As a Teen this anime is just simply good without grand twist that will really make you hold on to your seats. What i really liked about this anime, is that even if this is mainly made for children, the characters are well made to make teens and older anime lover like the characters. There are also times when this anime is hard to understand but well the 3d style of those crush gear flying around and fighting other gears is really fun to watch. Well if you want to feel like a kid again, i suggest watching this anime.

I'll Rate this 7/10 The anime is good but it needs more improvement on the story/plot.


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