Claymore Review

Claymore is a fantasy type adaptation to the manga series written and illustrated by Norihiro Yagi. The series has a total of 26 episodes and started airing on April 3, 2007 until September 25, 2007. The name Claymore is given to Female fighters with silver eyes, blonde hair, and claymores ( Weapon ). These fighters are half human and half yoma ( Demon ) and are being handled by an organization to fight and defeat Yomas ( demons ). They are known to the public as the Silver Eyed Witches. Claymores and Yomas uses the same source of power which is the demon energy called (Yoki) when a claymore surpass their limit for using their yokis they will turn into a full blowned yoma called "Awakened Being".

Claymore follows the story of Clare, one of the claymores. When clare was assigned to hunt a Yoma on a certain village, a boy named Raki was rescued by clare from a Yoma. because of what happened, Raki wanted to journey together with Clare to help her. this is unusual for claymores since they do things alone. Clare agreed to take Raki with her because she remembered that was the exact thing that happened to her. Clare was also taken by Yoma and made her their slave. She was rescued by a strong Claymore named Theresa. At first, Theresa became irritated when clare clings to her and follows her everywhere. But little by little Theresa adopted her and named her Clare. An Incident happened, Clare and the village where Theresa left Clare was attacked by bad people and because of that, Theresa didn't have a choice but to protect her and slayed the rouges. Due to the oath of the claymores to not hurt ordinary human, She was supposed to be executed. But because of her urge to protect Clare, She escaped by knocking her executioners out. Because of her actions the organization summoned the top claymores to hunt Theresa. But because of Theresa's unmatched strength, they failed. But one of the top claymores named Priscilla can't accept the fact that she lose, She passed her limit and turned into an Awakened Being. because of that, Theresa was killed in front of Clare and Priscilla also slayed the other Claymores with her. Because of that tragic event, Clare became a Claymore to hunt Priscilla for revenge.

Claymore is one of those anime that made me doubt the credibility of the series when i watched the first episode. The animation is not that great and the plot has its short comings. Like most of the battle themed anime that we have watched, most of the characters and the fighting scenes are a bit clisched. There are some points that made this anime like the others but there are tons of aspects that separate claymore from those mainstream animes. Claymore by far is one of those few animes who cultivated the characters more than the substories. The characters are not those typical hero / heroin with childish looks or bubbly image. Instead, Claymore gives you a picture of a very good heroin, A blond haired chick weilding a Giant sword ( I Love those kinds of heroin ). Even with its lack of Amazingness from its animation, Claymore managed to take the center stage in terms of fighting visuals. The battle scenes of this anime is really well thought and even with the type of animation, it certainly isn't BORING. It turned a bit draggy while it reached its ending. with very long battle scenes and a very unpredicatble ending it managed to hit the target but lightly. Even if there is a huge difference on the manga run it's still a good anime to watch.

I'll Rate this 8/10 - They could have at least stretch more episode since the manga is still on going.


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