Card Captor Sakura Review

Card Captor Sakura is an anime adaptation to the shojo manga series written and illustrated by the manga group Clamp. The series consists of 70 episodes which started airing on April 1998 to March 2000. This shojo manga/anime talks about Sakura Kinomoto a 10 year old fourth grader. Sakura found a mysterious book named the clow book which contained set of cards called the clow cards. Sakura not knowingly summoned and released the magical cards. Now sakura is on the hunt to gather and capture all of the cards with the help of the guardian beast of the book Cerberus. Every card that was summoned has its own form and power, when sakura captures a card she can use its power to fight the other lost cards.

Card Captor Sakura is one of the feminine type of anime that has a really unique story line. Watching this anime for the first time as a Male feels weird. But as i watched more and more of its episode i can say that this is a really fun series. Male viewers like me tend to shove the idea watching this anime when they see a 10 year old girl wearing light colored dress they tend to question the essence of the anime. The plot of the anime is actually interesting for me. The uniqueness of the story ( fighting monsters and turning them to cards and can summon them to use their powers is new to me ) really tickles my child-like alter ego. The story is a bit confusing and sometimes irrelevant but you just can't hate this anime. The best thing i can say about this anime is the FUN feeling that you will experience. The anime though lacks character identification or some of the characters lacks a bit of exposure so they need to improve that. and as for the type of anime Card captor belongs, it is suitable for almost all ages. With all the child like aspects, the anime also offers good battle scenes to make the anime a notch higher in terms of versatility.

I'll rate this anime 8/10

The reason why is that some of the characters are not well developed and the story needs a bit of a major twist.


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