Baka To Test To Shoukanjuu Review

Baka To Test To Shoukanjuu or Idiots, Tests, and Summoned Beasts also known as Baka and Test: Summon the Beasts is an anime adaptation to the light novel series created by Kenji Inoue and illustrations by Yui Haga: The anime started airing on October of 2009.The story revolves around a very special school, Fumizuki Academy. The school is known by the ways they segregate the students based on their performance. Starting at the Entrance exam, they will be assigned to their section based on their score at the exam: From A-F. The Classrooms also vary by the study materials they provide, The A section has the best training and study materials and they have the best looking classroom. The F Section is entirely different they have cardboard boxes as desk and tatami mats as seats. The classroom is a great example on how their status can be distinguished.

Fumizuki Academy is not only known for their ways of segregating the students, they are also known for having a special system that allows students to summon a being (avatars) that they will use to battle. The Summoned beings has its own attack power depending on the student's score on a certain subject, if the battle will be administered by a certain Teacher then the power level will depend on what subject that teacher teach. and here is the catch: The students can declare war on a different section and the winner can switch facilities between the losing section. But if the losing team is already below the winning team in terms of their facilities, The losing team will have their facilities changed to a much worse study material. YES it is really harsh in this school.

 This Story is about Akihisa Yoshii a student at Fumizuki Academy who is tagged as an "IDIOT". On the day of the placement test, Akihisa met a girl named Mizuki Himeji who was sick and left the placement exam, thus she got a ZERO on her mark and was referred to the F section. This anime will mainly show the struggles Akihisa and his friends to try and get to Section A.

This anime is one of my hall of fame. Overall the quality of the anime is not that great but this is certainly one of the best comedy/slice of life anime that i have ever seen. From the first episode alone you can laugh so hard that you will ask for more episodes. But it's not all for laughs, the anime is greatly build with epic ideas and great storyline. Most of the school themed anime that i watched didn't have the same idea as what i saw in this anime. Both the storyline and the characters are made almost to perfection that readers and followers tend to focus on how they are presented. This anime is well made for both boys and girls who wants to get a good laugh.

Quality aside I'll give this a very high 10/10 ( A unique Idea needs to be rewarded greatly ) Kudos!


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