Review on Kuro no Keiyakusha

Kuro no Keiyakusha or Darker than Black is a series that I am sure a worth while to watch and has to ge attention. The start of the series requires big attention to the story, and also on where it could lead to. The story runs 10 years ago when Hell's Gate made its presence in Tokyo and brougth violence on the land. Then the stars fall down and replaced by faked ones, when this happens they say a contractor is born.

Contractors are those with hidden powers given by them when they were born. But they are said to be useless because of their humane actions. In other words contractors have power but don't have humanity. They have to feed on something in order for them to regain their power loose from too much usage like having a sort of habits or more. But the main protagonist of this anime series, Hei, is different one; a contractor that doesn't need recuperation. Watch this anime and join Hei as he undergoes assassinations and spying missions, all under the command of the Syndicate.

The anime may not enjoyed by all truthfully speaking, but it is a must to watch for many. Wether otaku or non-otaku you guys should watch this series.

Overall score 8/10:


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