K-Project Review

K or K Project is an anime animated by the studio GoHands and directed by Shingo Suzuki. the series started Airing on October 5 2012. This anime Revolves around Yashiro Isana a seemingly friendly and ordinary high school student at the Ashinaka High School. The school is located inside Shizume City, a highly developed technological area. Inside this city are Groups/Clans that operates under their KING, they vary regarding the color of the aura their King emits.The Kings vary from the colors : Red, Blue, Silver, Green, Gold, and the Colorless King. The balance between these kings is very crucial since if a king will increase it's power more than the others, it will trigger a phenomena where the aura will be uncontrollable and will create a disaster. 

The balance between these kings is getting out of hand when 1 of the member of the Homra (Red Clan) was killed by the Colorless king which happens to be captured in a video, But things became serious when Isana Yashiro was the one found in the Video.

Hmm Now for the review. I must say this anime is really great. The first episode started with a bang that helps the anime gets more viewers. if an anime starts strong, followers tends to beg for more and will share this to their friends. The story is really easy to follow and will give you the thrill that you want. The ideas being pounded into this anime makes it very interesting and the characters are very well made. The only negative thing i can say about this anime is that it's too short, With 13 episodes only it's a cliff hanging anime. but according to them their will be a second season release this coming july 2014 so lets wait for it.

I'll rate this 8/10 for now since the second season is still not aired,


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